
Maggie McKivergin, RN, MS, CNS, HNC

Holistic Nurse Consultant

1995 National Holistic Nurse of the Year

Honored as One of 100 Transformers in Nursing and Allied Health in 100 years at the Ohio State University

Nurturing the Essence of an Individual Across the Spectrum of Life


  • Life coaching using a holistic approach to maximize energy in all areas of your life;
  • Advanced assessment with recommendations for individualized program of self care (includes meridian stress assessment);
  • Review of mindfulness practices and relaxation exercises with each visit;
  • Disease specific protocols for treating the essence of imbalances to include complementary medicines and integrative approaches;
  • Collaboration with local, regional and national team of experts to support your care;
  • A broad spectrum of educational offerings to help understand life and how it effects your health.
  • Continuing education and consulting for healthcare professionals regarding complementary health and medicine.


About Maggie

Maggie has been involved in holistic care since 1974 when she became interested in healing as a result of a mountain top experience in which she received the gift of “laying on of hands”. Her initial diploma was received from St Mary’s School of Nursing in Huntington, WV. She received her BSN from Eastern Carolina University in 1981. In 1990, she graduated from the master’s program in nursing at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. She was then honored by Sigma Theta Tau as the most outstanding graduate student for her research in women’s healing. In 2013, she received the honor from the OSU College of Nursing as One of the Top 100 Transformers in Nursing in the past 100 years.

At the onset of her career, Maggie specialized in critical care areas and was an ER nurse clinician for 7 years. She created a cardiac stepdown unit in Charleston, WV and was then promoted to Director of Staff Development where she coordinated education for staff, patients and community for 7 years and began her lecture series on Holistic Health.

From 1990-1995, Maggie served on a visionary team at Ohio Health Corporation in Columbus, creating models for integrating holistic approaches into education, corporations, churches and communities. Maggie led the Pain, Comfort and Healing Initiative at Riverside Hospital, coordinating a multidisciplinary effort which became a national model to help the patient in pain. In addition, she initiated the parish nurse program for the city of Columbus. She was in the first fellowship program by Healthcare Forum for creating healthy communities which she launched in Columbus in 1994. She coordinated a design team to incorporate an integrative K-12 curriculum into the New Albany Schools.

Maggie is an international speaker and has authored many publications. She developed the course on “The Essence of Therapeutic Presence” which has been taught to hundreds of caregivers across the country. She has contributed chapters on “The Nurse as an Instrument of Healing” for several editions of “The Handbook for Holistic Nursing Practice”. She taught courses on Lifetime Health at Capital University in Columbus for several years and also is involved in teaching the Chinese art of Qi Gong and Tai Chi. She offers a continuing education course to professionals on “Refining Ourselves as Instruments of Healing: Tips on Creating a Complementary Practice” and synthesized a manual on caring for others which serves as a guideline for practitioners.

Maggie is a national consultant, working in partnership with individuals, physicians and healthcare practitioners to create new protocols for the care of disease and the promotion of optimum well being in a variety of settings. In 1995, she received the award as National Holistic Nurse of the Year for her diverse contributions to the field of Holistic Nursing. She was the interim executive director of the American Holistic Nurses’ Association in Flagstaff Arizona, returning to Charleston, WV in 1998 to help create and direct the Center for Alternative Healing which was sponsored by the Charleston Area Medical Center. Her overarching professional objective is to help create the next generation of complementary healthcare systems, education and research which nurtures the essence and well being of individuals throughout the spectrum of life.

From 2005-2011, Maggie worked with HomeReach Hospice in Columbus, Ohio to help individuals and their families’ transition peacefully into the next step of their journey. She is certified in hospital chaplaincy and has an outreach in nurturing the unique essence of others. She is dedicated to serving God’s people and embraces the Spirit to guide her life.

Maggie currently maintains a private practice in Dublin, Ohio which offers support to individuals in achieving their highest level of well being through their journey in life.